Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Amazing Advertising Tips (Part 1 of 5 parts)

In this 5 part article I will share with you some Amazing Advertising Tips that will benefit your business and will give you higher sales you can ever imagine!

1 Tell your audience what kind of support they'll
get after they buy. It could be free consulting, tech
support, free servicing, etc. This may also answer
some of their buying questions ahead of time.
People don't want to buy products without knowing
you will be there to help if they have problems.

2 Ask people at the end of your copy why they
decided not to buy. This will give you new ideas on
how to produce ad copy that’s more profitable.
Have a web form or e-mail link in place so they can
answer you. You may find out they don't like your
guarantee or graphics. It could be anything.

3 Think of ways to get your site or business in the
the news. You could sponsor a fundraiser, break a
world record, hold a major event, etc. Simply
write a press release about what you’ve
accomplished, then send it to media outlets that
cater to your target audience.

4 Hold a contest on your web site. Give other web
sites the option of offering it to their visitors. This'll
multiply your advertising all over the Internet. It
would become a viral contest. Of course the contest
must either be ongoing or held regularly so you could
allow other online publishers to offer it to their visitors
or subscribers.

5 Tell your potential customers that your ordering
system is highly secure. Also reassure them that
you take every effort to protect them. People want
to feel they are safe online. They want to know that
you care about their well-being. Tell them all about
what you currently do for them to make them feel
more secure.

Watch out for the second part!

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